3. Mai 2010

I have finished my studies of media design at the university of applied sciences in Mainz with an exceptional 1.0 grade. I am very relieved and happy. My graduation film is still in work but will be finished soon, hopefully. So stay tuned.

This means I’m available as a freelance artist for stereoscopy, texturing and rigging. Looking forward to new exciting jobs.


3. Mai 2010


I finally found the time to upload an updated version of my old shortfilm “Augtsch” which I’ve created at university.
A monster get’s rid of his eye-aches the monster way…
The title is a german play on words: Aug = eye and autsch = ouch. So it translates to „a hurting eye“.


4. Januar 2010

Based on the optimized anaglyph display mode from the stereoscopic player, I developed a Pixelbender filter that can be used inside of Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, and Flash. Using the filter is very straight forward and extremely fast. You can now create optimized anaglyph images in Photoshop, Videos in After Effects and even realtime games in Flash. weiter…


22. Dezember 2009

This article describes the functionality and advantages of using optimized anaglyph compared to default anaglyph, as it is presented here. The optimized anaglyph algorithm (developed by Peter Wimmer from 3dtv) displays anaglyph imagery, with only very little to no retinal rivalry. It also corrects most colors to look more like they should. Strong primary colors however, will look very different (especially red). weiter…


20. Dezember 2009

Broken won silver at the 17. ITVA – Award 2009 in the category “stereo”! We were invited to the ITVA Gala Diner, got to know many interesting people and had a wonderful evening in Köln. :)

Congratulations to our friends Tina Braun and the lotsOf crew, who won gold in the categories “future” and “non-commercial”!


13. August 2009


This is a modified version of the 3d camera rig we used to render the shortfilm Broken. It is based on the techniques discussed by Louis Marceaux and is capable of producing beautiful 3d imagery and a quick stereo preview. You can change and animate any aspect of the stereocameras like Interaxial and Zero Parallax.  It also has a completely animatable floating frame to reduce eyestrain at the sides of the 3d image when objects come out of the screenspace.


11. Juli 2009


Broken is an award winning stereoscopic short of two robots living behind a television screen. When the big screen accidentally gets destroyed by a loose pipe they get confronted with the world outside. This does not only bring the excitement of new freedom, but comes with unsuspected dangers as well.


10. Juli 2009


The adventures of Machinegun teddy” is a small flash (actionscript3) game i created during the last 3 months. It’s a jump’n’shoot game about a teddybear whose beloved owner Lisa has been kidnapped by evil aliens. It’s your mission to rescue her and to free humanity from the alien oppression. weiter…


9. Juli 2009


A 3d blog without images is certainly not very interesting. So here we go: My Portfolio (print layout).

This portfolio features many images and screenshots of shortfilms I created over the last years. Some of the stuff is really old, but I believe most of it is still good.

A showreel is coming up as well but please be patient.


9. Juli 2009

Hi everyone. This is the blog of David Shelton (3dHippie), and this is the first article :-). I am currently studying media design at the university of applied sciences Mainz and job at related designs as a character artist. I will use this website to showcase my newest artwork, keep you up to date on my career, and will definitely spend some time on tutorials for my favorite software: 3DSmax. Hope you will find this blog usefull and interesting, and please feel free to tell everyone about it.

and this is me

and this is me