
I finally found the time to upload an updated version of my old shortfilm “Augtsch” which I’ve created at university.
A monster get’s rid of his eye-aches the monster way…
The title is a german play on words: Aug = eye and autsch = ouch. So it translates to „a hurting eye“.

This is an old project which i recycled to practice stereoscopy, network rendering and global illumination with mental ray. I’m satisfied with the overall result.

Translation of the song.

“Oh children please don’t imitate this
it’s better to go to an occulist
or with eyecream there’s no doubt
you’ll stop your eyes from plopping out”

Watch it on Vimeo:
stereo version:
monoscopic version: coming soon
stacked version: coming soon

Notes on stereoscopy:
The setting was great for stereoscopy: a wide angle lens provided strong perspective lines and led to good volume on the monster. I increased the amount of negative parallax along with the story: The more disturbing an image the closer it gets to the audience. I used an animated floating window to compensate for border violations as well as for storytelling purposes. To focus the viewers eyes even more to the image center, i created a 3D vignette by placing a spotlight between the two cameras and aiming it at the screenplane. By this i prevented a dirty-glass-in-front-of-movie-feeling. The video is shown with optimized anaglyph.

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