11. Februar 2014

The last year went well and many customers used the stereocam for various small and big projects. There’s a couple of movies beeing produced with it for cinema right now, and I hope they will be very successful.
Anyhow, I have decided to make the stereocam available for FREE again. There is just too little time to further develop the script to justify the current pricetag. This version is up to date and includes all PRO features.
Get the free PRO version: 3dhippie_stereocam_v2_1_5
Have fun doing stereo 3D and tell me about it
Donations are still welcome
Kategorie main | 0 Kommentare »
27. März 2013
There’s a new update ready to download. The clipping properties of the rig have moved to the main interface. Also some other bugs have been fixed.
Download FREE Version.
Kategorie main | 5 Kommentare »
25. Februar 2013
This minor update to the 3dhippie stereocam introduces “adjustable planes”and other great workflow enhancements.
1. Advanced frustum with adjustable planes (watch the video to understand the concept)
2. Save to seperate folders enables you to split the render output to left right and stereo folders.
3. Better gamma handling in the stereoscopic window
4. Bugfixes
adjustable planes from DavidShelton on Vimeo.
Kategorie main | 0 Kommentare »
4. Dezember 2012

3dhippie stereocam v2.0 is available now. It includes an amazing amount of new or advanced features to let you create unbelievable 3D images and movies:
Kategorie main | 15 Kommentare »
19. November 2012
The new version of 3dhippie stereocam is almost ready. Just a few more bugs to eliminate, a helpfile to write and a payment system to set up. It will be available for download next week. There is going to be two versions. FREE and PRO. The free version will be perfect for most cases, and the PRO license offers additional features that are more advanced.
To pass the time, check out the new video. It showcases all new features (PRO features are marked as such).
3dhippie stereocam v2 from DavidShelton on Vimeo.
Kategorie main | 2 Kommentare »
30. Juli 2012
Beta testing is over. Thank you all for the great feedback. The final version will be available soon.

This is a very exciting announcement. After a long time of development the new stereocam version is almost ready. If you want to check it out, contact me immediately. I need people to experiment with it and provide me with good feedback (bugs, missing features, awkward behaviour etc.).
Kategorie main | 26 Kommentare »
2. Dezember 2011
A maxscript to remap entire psd files with all the layers to a different Set of Uvs.
RemapPSD bridges the power of render to texture inside 3ds Max and the photoshop application. With RemapPSD you can easily map your entire photoshop file to a different set of uvs. The script will handle even very complex photoshop files with:
- layers with masks
- folders with masks
- nested folders
- adjustment layers with masks
- layered tiffs
Kategorie Downloads, main | 5 Kommentare »
17. Oktober 2010
Finally, My showreels are public. There are two versions, a standard and a stereoscopic version, both showcasing my best personal and commercial projects.
showreel 2010 from DavidShelton on Vimeo.
stereoscopic showreel 2010 from DavidShelton on Vimeo.
Kategorie main | 0 Kommentare »
7. August 2010

Is it possible to achieve realtime stereoscopic previews inside 3dsmax viewports with the 3dhippie_stereocam? That would be great, right? Well: it is! but only indirectly. You can’t have stereo viewports at the moment but there is a brilliant plugin by the russian company kostasoft called 3D Vision Viewer to do something very similar. If you have a secondary monitor the plugin will establish a connection to Nvidia 3d Vision. This means you can have optimized anaglyph, interlaced output or even quad-buffered opengl. Fullscreen and for FREE!
Kategorie main | 1 Kommentar »
22. Juli 2010

EDIT: There is a more recent version. Get 3dhippie stereocam v2
I am proud to announce the new version of my stereo rig for 3dsmax. I have rewritten most of the core of the original script and switched to a different system. The camera does no longer work with cropping, but with shifted frustrums. This makes the rig a lot more flexible and professional.
Kategorie main | 43 Kommentare »