Monatsarchiv für Dezember 2009


Dienstag, den 22. Dezember 2009

This article describes the functionality and advantages of using optimized anaglyph compared to default anaglyph, as it is presented here. The optimized anaglyph algorithm (developed by Peter Wimmer from 3dtv) displays anaglyph imagery, with only very little to no retinal rivalry. It also corrects most colors to look more like they should. Strong primary colors […]


Sonntag, den 20. Dezember 2009

Broken won silver at the 17. ITVA – Award 2009 in the category “stereo”! We were invited to the ITVA Gala Diner, got to know many interesting people and had a wonderful evening in Köln. Congratulations to our friends Tina Braun and the lotsOf crew, who won gold in the categories “future” and “non-commercial”!